Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sometimes the "old time rock and roll" is the good stuff....

Good evening Rawkers. I'm betting there are strong opinions about this one, but i'm gonna go out on a limb. I love Bob Seger. I don't apologize for it. His music was part of high school for me and i flat out love his songs -- the slow ones, the rockers, all of it.

Tell me if you disagree, but be sure to check to be sure he doesn't represent a vital piece of your past that you'd rather NOT forget.... Afterall, "we've got tonight....."
It's boyfriend stuff, it's girlfriend stuff. It's real. It's memories. It's classic.

Go in peace....



  1. Beautiful Loser was like a high school anthem.

  2. hey thunderfish! i can use me some seger some of the time. got some great cuts. but.......

    you can shove that crappy old time rock and roll right up his ass!

    most overplayed lame ass song of all time.

    - the furg
