First off, i'm going flat out here Brenda.... I love wheelies, but i have no intention of giving Madonna "rawk" credibility by discussing her in this blog. Her music is not rock. Instead, it is among the worst of Pop music (Michael Jackson totally kicked her firm little ass in the music and dance categories). And Pop music is not necessarily rock. And while i give nods and props to appropriately rawking Pop music, I cannot condone the use or misuse of Pop music recordings except by trained professionals. And Madonna is not one of these....
But because i made a promise, here are my thoughts on Ms. Ciccone.I'm really only going to talk about female singers from the 60s, 70s and 80s. Singers such as Amy Lee (Evanescene), great as they are, are not the subject of this post. Why? Just cuz. My favorites happen to be from those eras and it's my blog, so there.
However, I DO intend to cover newer singers -- male and female -- from the 90s and the 00s, so you'll get my thoughts then. Be patient my little padawans.
If you ask anyone knowledgeable about female rock vocalists, you'll probably get a list that includes most of the following (only intending to cover my favorites, as well as the most likely "also-rans" that would result in people being pissed if i failed to include them....).
I think it's sometimes hard for women to get a fair shake in the rock genre, which is so typically testosterone laden. Consequently, "rougher" females struggle to find an identity that is effectively communicable through rock music. That's not a judgment, just a reality as I see it. But every now and then, a female singer comes along that has ALL the tools.
That's why my personal favorite is ANN WILSON of Heart. Very sexy (sorry, i'm a dude) and just flat out rocks your socks off. The songwriting, playing and singing chops are simply amazing and allow objective listeners to simply enjoy the exceptionally high quality of her music. And i'll be damned if it doesn't just wail!
I know many Rawkers will howl, "how could you not see the obvious superiority of Janis Joplin". Well, i respect her music and the power of her voice. And she certainly represents the dangerous self-destructive rock sensibility that made similarly tragic males into figures for the ages -- Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, etc. However, I just don't find her music as compelling as that of others. Sorry. I appreciate it tons, but can't call it my favorite.
So bottom line, let's offer a rousing Rawker "Thank you" to these women for blazing the trail for the female rock singers who are talented enough and ballsy enough to be heard in the 90s and up to today.
Go in peace....
But more likely my theme song will be "I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide" by ZZ Top. The little ole' band from Texas has this laid back groove thing happening on this cut that fits me like Lucky Jeans under a Mario's jacket.
"With my New York brim and my gold tooth displayed, no one gives me trouble cuz they know i got it made". Smooth boys, tres smooth....
Food for thought and discussion.... What cranks up in your head when you step into the room? Help us understand the music that fits your joie de vivre.