So who are the kings? -- Black sabbath, led zeppelin and....DEEP PURPLE .
Fact is, these mothers play some of the heaviest, coolest music ever layed on vinyl. I remember getting the album "Made in Japan" for Christmas in 7th grade, and the family wanted to hear the music i was in to. But it was so heavy that they had to take it off the turntable (remember those?). And that was SO COOL
The band has been through a number of iterations, with various singers, guitar players and bass players. Personally, my fave line up included Ian Gillan on vocals, Richie Blackmore on guitar and Roger Glover on bass. A lot of argument can be made for David Coverdale's vocals and Tommy Bolin on guitar (and Glenn Hughes on bass), but to me, they just don't hold up to the classic line up.

Best albums, in my view, are "In Rock", Machine Head", "Burn" and "Fireball". Others are great, but these are the albums with the band at the height of its powers.
And check out "Made in Japan". One of the best live albums EVER made....
Would love to hear what Rawkers think about the Purple ones....
Go in peace.
Amen, Brother! I've got nothing to add.
ReplyDeleteI have nothing either. You, my friend, hit the nail on the head.