Good afternoon Rawkers. Well, most of you aren't keeping up, so maybe i should slow the pace down a bit. Maybe just a quickie this afternoon.
I'll offer a few short comments about the raunchiest, loudest (apologies to DP), most distorted band in metal, those nasty no-goodniks from England, who -- in their words -- if they moved in next door your lawn would die, those purveyors of pestilence, the mighty and misunderstood MOTORHEAD!!!! Hell yeah! Get the t-shirt people. All the cool kids own one.

In my opinion, the coolest opening to ANY metal song is the rapid-fire bass pedaling Lemmy offers up to intro "Ace of Spades". His 'Rick is overdriven and totally legendary. Taken with a fifth of Jack Daniels it's been known to be a direct source of all sorts of communicable diseases. Truly a miracle of classic rock and medicine. Denitely not suited to everyone's tastes, so tread carefully. But if you have a place in your black heart for Motorhead, you've got serious metal cred. Wave the flag proudly. And lose the parrot.
Go in peace....
Not much of a Motorhead fan. In fact "Ace of Spades" is probably the only song of theirs I know. Too much yelling and crap.