There is a very small number of bands/artists whose recorded work just keeps getting better and better with every listen, even stretching over many years. David Bowie is one such artist. So are Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck and Simon & Garfunkel. Similarly, Pink Floyd's timeless cuts keep growing stronger and stronger, at least to this blogger's ears.
Thanks in large part to the self-taught guitar genius of David Gilmour and the gloriously paranoid and introspective lyrics of Roger Waters, Pink's music struck straight at the heart of the disenfranchised and the detached. And of course, having three distinct and wonderfully expressive voices -- Syd Barrett, David Gilmour and Roger Waters -- doesn't hurt any. This was psychodelic pop that, at the time, blew everyone's mind who was not otherwise preoccupied with the status quo. (listen to the song "Pow R. Toc H" off of the album Piper at the Gates of Dawn..... flat out freaky. How does someone come UP with that??).
Anyone who has had psychological issues or a feeling that they were "not quite right" found a personal soundtrack in Pink Floyd. This blogger included.
These boys made a mint marketing "madness music" to the masses..... And the result was simutaneously some of the most pretentious, beautiful, interesting music ever to grace vinyl.
Shine on Syd. You were the soul of the band. And farewell to keyboardist Richard Wright. Go in peace....
Boy this is where we are gonna differ greatly. Unlike a lot of 70's people I think Pink Floyd was one of the worst so called bands of all time. Dark Side of the Moon is unlistenable except Money. Actually I couldn't name another song on the album. I hate that band almost as much as Rush. Unless you were totally absorbed with drugs how could you listen to that shit? I don't need helicopters and childrens choirs and british assholes talking about pudding in my music. Their music is as far from Rock as you can get. It was weird and just a f'n disaster. I would truthfully rather listen to Madonna. Brick in the Wall should have been called Dog Shit on Vinyl.
ReplyDeleteOk JL that totally cracked me up. I disagree completely, but it cracked me right up. Thanks for the smile today.... I needed it.
You think I'm kidding to get a response but I'm not. I can't stand Pink Floyd music. I guess I was just never that messed up or weirded out. As a guitar player I can say I never heard a PF lick that I thought was cool and wanted to learn. At least their vocals weren't dentist chair worthy. I'll give them that.
ReplyDeleteNo, i didn't think you were kidding at all. And i totally disagree with everything you said. But it made me laugh. I love hearing your opinions on this stuff -- when we agree and when we disagree.
ReplyDeleteAnd i really DO like the way Gilmour plays.
I didn't say he or they were bad musicians. It's just that I never GOT their music. I like bands that 4 or 5 guys can get some amps and guitars and drums and go in the garage, practice and go out and play. No horns, no synthesizers, no background recordings of helicopters. Just raw rock n roll. Not possible with these guys. It's almost like hip hop where you wonder if it's all machines. Is it live or is it Memorex?